Styra for Business Analysts

Design application permission logic right in your browser.

Low-code Builder

Give your users the right permissions at the right times for the right reasons. Instead of describing complex requirements in tickets, design the permission logic using the low-code policy builder in the Enterprise OPA Platform.

Cut through Process

Don’t wait days or weeks for a permission logic to get changed. Directly contribute permission logic to meet your business needs today.

See the Logic

App permissions shouldn’t be a black box. Visualize permission logic with a low-code policy builder to catch and correct problems early.


Experiment Fast

Don’t wait for a feasibility study of the permission logic your business needs. Experiment right on your browser using the Enterprise OPA Platform.

Platform Capabilities across Functions

IAM Engineers

Central visibility

Audit-friendly logging

Policy-sharing libraries

Mandatory policies

Policy SBOM

Data fabric

App Developers

Enterprise SDKs

Standard policy language

Git & CLI workflow

IDE extensions

Distributed decision engine

Policy impact analysis

Business Analysts

Low-code policy builder

Policy catalog

Policy impact analysis

Policy approval workflow

Featured Resources

Cloud native

Entitlement Explosion Repair

Join Styra and PACLabs on April 11 for a webinar exploring how organizations are using Policy as Code for smarter Access Control.

Speak with an Engineer

Request time with our team to talk about how you can modernize your access management.