The Enterprise OPA Platform

The developer-friendly, fine-grained authorization platform trusted by enterprises around the world.

Policy-based Access Management

The Enterprise OPA Platform is a complete solution for just-in-time, fine-grained authorization with policy-based access management. It is a flexible, developer-friendly foundation to accelerate cloud migration, enable Zero Trust, and facilitate application modernization.

The Enterprise OPA Platform offers everything you need to manage authorization at scale for the software you build.
Enterprise OPA provides fast and distributed authorization enforcement for all your applications.
The Enterprise OPA Manager provides centralized authorization management across your organization.
Professional services and enterprise support help you deliver on-time and on-target.
Comprehensive developer resources include enterprise SDKs, IDE extensions, high-quality online training, and live training.

Capabilities across Functions

IAM Engineers

Central visibility

Audit-friendly logging

Policy-sharing libraries

Mandatory policies

Policy SBOM

Data fabric

App Developers

Enterprise SDKs

Standard policy language

Git & CLI workflow

IDE extensions

Distributed decision engine

Policy impact analysis

Business Analysts

Low-code policy builder

Policy catalog

Policy impact analysis

Policy approval workflow

Tackle strategic initiatives

For the platform teams leading the way, the Enterprise OPA Platform provides the modern authorization that enables your strategic initiatives. In addition to fulfilling technical requirements, the Enterprise OPA Platform provides the best-practice workflows and models to scale across a complex organization.

Give developers the modern authorization platform they need to secure their apps with ease.

Accelerate Cloud Migration

Check off your cloud migration todos by deploying the Enterprise OPA Platform for cloud-ready authorization. Designed with regulated industries in mind, the Enterprise OPA Platform works equally well on and off the cloud.

Enable Zero Trust

Enforce least-privilege, just-in-time access control using the extensible policy language and versatile data integrations.

Unify Access Management

Adopt a common authorization framework for all your apps and data. The Enterprise OPA Platform can protect microservices, monoliths, SaaS, and serverless.

Facilitate App Modernization

Safely embrace cloud native by using the Enterprise OPA Platform to support cloud native apps and modernized apps without leaving other apps behind.

Platform Capabilities

Optimized Policy Engine

Scale up and scale out your way. Optimized for scale and flexibility, the policy engines deploy in your desired topology (centralized, distributed, or embedded) to provide fast and reliable authorization for every use case.

Data Fabric

Enable context-aware access control using the versatile data fabric that integrates with data streams, identity services, databases, and secrets managers all without custom integration code.

Policy Control Plane

Centrally configure and monitor the distributed policy engines for all your applications and disseminate optimized policy and data.

Policy Lifecycle Management

Manage the entire policy lifecycle with the authoring, testing, promotion, and debugging facilities that fit right into your GitOps process.

Policy Governance

Ensure a high level of access control security across teams by enforcing global policies, scoped policies, and common libraries.

Use Case Modules

Leverage the pre-built integrations, policy libraries, and the low-code entitlements platform to help developers deploy and manage secure access control over applications, service meshes, and API gateways.

Modernizing Software Delivery

See how Capital One scaled OPA in a secure, flexible and highly efficient environment.

CapitalOne case study on software delivery with OPA

Featured Resources

Cloud native

Entitlement Explosion Repair

Join Styra and PACLabs on April 11 for a webinar exploring how organizations are using Policy as Code for smarter Access Control.

Speak with an Engineer

Request time with our team to talk about how you can modernize your access management.